Individual Therapy in Kitchener-Waterloo
At Transformation Counselling, individual counselling gives people time and space to figure out how they’d like to live their lives, and to work through the barriers that prevent them from living that way.
People’s goals for counselling vary quite a lot. Some people’s goals are to overcome inner difficulties: to deal with insomnia, anxiety, depression, body image issues, PTSD, or addiction. Other people want to make changes to their external circumstances: improve a relationship, increase their productivity at work, or meet new people. Still others are just looking to find more meaning and purpose in their lives.
Counselling makes use of a lot of different techniques and strategies to help you live life more fully, from developing social skills, to becoming more assertive, to addressing childhood trauma. If you think counselling might be helpful for you, check out these pages on the issues we treat and how counselling works.
If you live in Waterloo, Kitchener, or Cambridge and you're ready for change, call us at 519-954-4900 or email to set up an appointment.