
Why Social Justice and Mental Health Are Inseparable

Why Social Justice and Mental Health Are Inseparable

Somewhere along the line we seem to have gotten the idea that our inner and outer worlds are unrelated. Most of us no longer think it’s weird that many psychiatrists and psychotherapists are materialistic and classist, or that many activists who work tirelessly for inclusion and peace also harbour bitter hatred toward certain groups of people. Something’s wrong with this picture, and our world desperately needs it to be corrected.

4 Things You Need to Know about Antidepressants

4 Things You Need to Know about Antidepressants

Antidepressant medication for anxiety and depression is one of those topics that makes people want to abandon civilized conversation and just punch each other in the face. On one side you've got doctors and pharmaceutical companies who are eager to tell you that your brain is just broken, and medication is the only solution. On the other side is a jumbled alliance of those who believe a) taking medication is a sign of weakness, or b) anything produced by a pharmaceutical company comes to us directly from the mind of Satan. Here are four reasons to adopt a more moderate stance when it comes to antidepressants.